Our latest Collaborative Innovation project asks: How might we shift #CouncilCulture so that local governments work with citizens to make places better?
Over the last ten years, we’ve met plenty of councils and council officers who want to shift their relationships with citizens, and worked extensively with Kirklees Council on its “Shaped by People” active citizenship initiative. But the gravitational pull of “business-as-usual” is strong.
Councils need to make intentional and authentic shifts in their working cultures if they are to build the confidence, commitment and capacity to involve local people as citizens shaping their places, and not just consumers of council services.
But how can this actually be done?
We’ve teamed up with council officers from Waltham Forest, South Gloucestershire and Westmorland and Furness to explore this question. Read more in our blog series, and sign up below for updates on the project, including invitations to webinars, trainings, blogs and launch events.